

Just like hair, eyelashes can experience hair loss. The causes also vary; hormones, the use of makeup that is not clean or expired, often uses false eyelashes, and more. If there is a problem, of course a solution to overcome hair loss is also there. Proven results are using natural oils. There are already 4 types of natural oils try to re-provoke the growth of eyelashes and make the lashes look longer. First,  olive oil .  Second,  argan oil .  Third,  coconut oil . Fourth,  rosehip oil . Of the four types of natural oils, there are different experiences. Then, which is more effective? Find the answer below. Olive Oil In order for eyelashes to grow back, as our experienced, it takes 3 weeks for new eyelashes to grow. While the eyelash stage looks longer, it takes +/- 3 months. Argan Oil To lengthen the lashes, the benefits of argan oil are quite famous from olive, coconut and rosehip. From the experience, for the duration of time when new eyelashes grow or old eyelashes lo


Fruit with green skin color and red flesh color is quite believed to be one of the many natural ingredients recommended in curing dengue fever. But, did you know that besides the fruit, the leaves of the guava also have a myriad of benefits to overcome various problems? Call it,  eczema , acne, to overcome hair loss. Instead of getting curious, see directly the explanation below! Overcome eczema Guava leaves can be used to treat inflammation due to atopic or  eczema  because they have anti-allergic properties that help prevent the production of histamine, a compound produced by the body to fight foreign substances. To overcome eczema with guava leaves, all you need to do is prepare a few dried guava leaves. After smoothing it, put it in a pan containing boiling water. Let stand until the boiled water turns brown. After changing color, turn off the heat and cool the boiled water. In a cool condition, take a cotton swab and dip it in the boiled water. Apply thoroughly to the

The Importance of Protein for Maintaining the Immune System in Old Age

Protein is very important for the body, namely as the growth and development of every cell in the body. Protein is also important for maintaining the immunity of the elderly. A 2018 study of more than 2,900 elderly over 23 years, showed that those who ate the most 30 percent protein were less likely to experience dysfunction than those who ate the least amount. Besides protein, of course there are other nutrients that also help the immune system of the elderly, such as zinc micronutrients, vitamin C, selenium and so on. But only needed in small amounts. While protein is a macro nutrient. So it is needed in large quantities and the most important role. Protein has many benefits for the elderly such as preventing aging of body cells, formation of hormones, maintaining muscle mass and bone density. In addition, of course also to increase endurance so it is not easily attacked by diseases, especially infectious and inflammatory diseases. High protein is also needed to speed up

How Often Do Men Need Facial Skin Exfoliation?

Facial exfoliation is useful for removing dirt, oil, and dead skin cells so that the skin pores can breathe more freely and the face looks fresher.  Skin care like this has become a mandatory routine performed by women.  Then what about the men?  Do men need facial exfoliation in daily skin care? Exfoliation is part of a series of skin treatments that have an essential role.  Dr.  Marko Lens, a plastic surgeon and skin care specialist, explained that exfoliation can accelerate the process of skin regeneration so that facial skin can appear brighter, smoother, and healthier. Generally, dead skin cells do not immediately disappear.  The skin cells will continue to stick attached to the face, causing the skin surface to dry, cracked, and enlarged pores. Facial exfoliation helps remove dead skin cells so that facial skin absorbs nutrients more easily at the next stage of skin care.  Not only for women, facial exfoliation also needs to be done by men. The method of facial exfoli


Brought to the masses in the early 1950s by Swami Satyananda Saraswati, yoga nidra has its roots in ancient tantric texts. The practice claims to help you reach ‘the border between waking and sleeping states’. Sometimes described as ‘dynamic sleep’, it allows the body to get into a deep state of relaxation, while keeping the mind alert. In a class, you will be asked to lie on your back with your arms at your sides, palms up, eyes closed, usually covered in a blanket so you’re warm and comfortable. The yoga teacher will ask you to set an intention for the class, then they’ll move through a ‘tour’ of your body (right big toe, right little toe, top of the foot, heel…). You’re encouraged to focus on your breath as they guide you through visualisations and affirmations before returning you to wakefulness. Through the process, you’ll become steadily less aware of the world around you, and will instead draw your attention inwards. The teacher’s voice may feel far away, and it may

Are You Addicted With Your Lip Balm?

Whether it’s to combat chilly weather, provide a base before lip colour, or prevent a classic pinot noir stain, we all have a few (dozen) lip balms lying around our house/office/car/handbags – the list could go on. Lip care products line the tills in clothes shops, and are granted a disproportionate amount of shelf space in high-street pharmacies. The global market for lip products is set to reach £1bn and, for some companies, they are their largest money-spinners. In other words, lip balms are big business. But why do we love them so much? Hydration habit There’s something soothing about knowing we’ve got a lip balm on-hand. So why does it feel like the more we apply it, the more we need it? It turns out, some balms contain irritating ingredients, which cause inflammation and loss of hydration. Plus, overuse can cause your lips to become lazy, because they don’t have to work to maintain their own hydration level. Either way, we’re trapped in a vicious cycle of dryness and


Having smooth foot skin makes you free to use open shoes.  Unfortunately, some people continue to have problems with dry, rough foot skin.  To be free from this condition, how to overcome it?  Take a peek at various ways to smooth the rough foot skin to make it softer and make you regain the following confidence. Dry skin is a skin problem that almost many people complain about.  Not only in the hands, this disorder also often attacks the soles of the feet so that the skin becomes peeling, rough, and itchy. Dry skin conditions occur because the skin loses moisture from sebum (oil) and water.  The causes vary from aging, hot weather, water-related activities, to skin problems such as eczema. If you want dry and rough skin back smooth, you can try various ways to overcome them, including: Use a moisturizer An effective way to smooth rough skin is to use a foot moisturizer regularly.  Most people do not apply moisturizer to the soles of the feet.  In fact, all parts of the fee