
Showing posts with the label Beauty

Your Lip Balm Doesn’t Work?

By now, you’re well aware that the key to beautiful lipstick is keeping your lips healthy and hydrated underneath. That’s far easier said than done in the winter, though, when cold and bitter weather whisks in and zaps the hydration from our faces. For that reason, there’s probably a  lip balm  in your pocket or bag at this very moment. You might consider it your lord and savior when a pesky flake or crack rears its ugly head, but I have some bad news: Certain lip balm ingredients can actually contribute to chapping. Ever re-apply a lip balm all week long, then realize later that your lips are still chapped and it makes absolutely no sense? Or experienced a minor lip rash after switching balm brands? According to experts, it might be an irritant or something you’re allergic to keeping you in chapped-lip purgatory. We asked a crop of dermatologists to explain what those ingredients are, if and how you should avoid them, and why they’re even there in the first place. The good news

Makeup Ideas For Valentine

Valentine is not only celebrated by lovers but loved ones in our lives such as family or friends. Valentine’s Day which falls on February 14 is usually celebrated with various romantic activities with a partner. Makeup became one of the things that can be prepared in advance to look up on Valentine’s Day. Well, here are some celebrity makeup looks of the world that could be your inspiration. Glow Baby Makeup Appearing nude and sparkling can be your choice to look glamorous on Valentine’s Day, like Gigi Hadid’s makeup. Use tanned eyeshadow coupled with gold and metallic eyeshadow. And nude mette lipstick. Colorful Makeup If you want to be different, you can use colorful face makeup like Rihanna. Use eyeliner with wings style, and coat it with 2-3 colors of eyeliner. And use pink lipstick to make it look more pop. Perfect Smokey Eyes Makeup Smokey eye makeup always makes it look charming, like what Jennifer Lopez uses. Use nude lipstick, so it looks more leverage.

Effects Of Sleep Deprivation On Your Beauty

You may have heard about the term sleeping beauty.  A good night’s sleep can actually work wonders for your beauty.  And lack of sleep can have an adverse effect on your beauty.  Apart from the obvious effects of lack of sleep such as looking tired, bags under your eyes etc., it has some long-term results on your beauty too. Proper sleep is important for rejuvenating your mind and body.  After a deep sleep, your skin also feels refreshed.  However, lack of sleep can affect the appearance of your skin and trigger various skin related problems, such as acne, dry skin, to skin allergies. Here’s an explanation of how dangerous sleep deprivation is and what bad effects it has on your beauty. Your Skin Loses Lack of light sleep causes an increase in cortisol levels.  This is a hormone that triggers inflammation in the skin and makes your skin dull.  Therefore, when you don’t get enough sleep, your skin loses its light and tends to become dull and dry. Can Lead to Acne Another main

Disguise Wrinkles With Coconut Oil

Wrinkles and fine lines on your face are the first visible signs of aging and can be very worrying.  Have you observed any signs of aging on your face lately?  Now, it’s time to do something about it. As you age you see wrinkles forming on your face.  You, then, buy various products and try various salon treatments to eliminate them.  But you quickly realize that this doesn’t work in the long run and is not the safest choice to use.  So what’s the alternative?  Well, actually it’s quite simple, namely coconut oil. Coconut oil has been proven as an effective ingredient for healthy skin and this amazing oil can help you get rid of these wrinkles.  Coconut oil deeply moisturizes the skin and thus increases skin hydration to give you soft and supple skin. In addition, it has antioxidant properties that fight free radical damage and rejuvenate your skin to reduce wrinkles and fine lines.  In addition, it increases collagen production in the skin and makes your skin taut and youthfu

Tomatoes and Potatoes Solution to Overcome Panda’s Eyes

Dark circles under the eyes or panda eyes are very disturbing in appearance, because we will look tired and not fresh faces.  Usually this problem is because we sleep too late or lack of facial treatment. Now, to get rid of the black circle, Fimela’s best friend can make it at home using natural ingredients.  Tomatoes and fullness can be a solution to the problem on this face. Tomato itself is one of the natural bleach that can brighten your skin.  Vitamin C, Lycopene, and antibacterial properties in tomatoes can improve the texture of the skin, protect it from the sun, and keep the skin young. While potatoes have enzymes and catecholase which can help reduce dark spots.  Of course the combination of tomatoes and potatoes is the right solution to get rid of pandas. Then how do you make it? Material: 1 tomato 1 potato How to make: Mash the tomatoes into pulp. Peel the potatoes and blend until they become a paste. Mix tomatoes and potatoes in a container, then stir u

Pomegranate Skincare to Prevent Premature Aging

Early aging is still a frightening specter for some women.  Exposure to pollution and free radicals makes the aging process on the skin occur faster than it should.  Characterized by the appearance of wrinkles, fine lines, and black spots in the age range of 20 years. Pomegranate is known as one of the fruits that can slow down the aging process.  In pomegranates there are vitamins A, C, and D as well as antioxidants which help the skin to not only ward off free radicals but also improve skin. In pomegranates there are compounds that not only inhibit collagen damage but also enhance collagen production in the skin.  So that the skin will be supple.  The contents of niacinamide in it can help calm inflammation of acne prone skin. Y.O.U presents its first skincare, the Golden Age which is able to rejuvenate and brighten the skin.  So that premature aging does not occur in their 20s.  Consisting of six products, Y.O.U Golden Age utilizes pomegranate extract as a basic ingredient

Dark Chocolate Mask

Using a mask with natural ingredients is a facial treatment with minimal side effects.  You can make it yourself at home easily.  One of the basic ingredients that has good benefits for skin beauty is dark chocolate. In addition to its delicious taste, dark chocolate has the benefit of brightening the skin.  Using dark chocolate masks on a regular basis can make skin healthier and radiant.  It also helps keep skin hydrated. Dark chocolate contains polyphenols and flavonoids that nourish and rejuvenate the skin from the inside.  In addition, this delicious snack is proven to contain more antioxidants than other fruits.  These antioxidant properties help protect the skin from damage caused by free radicals. Dark chocolate also protects the skin from damage caused by harmful UV rays of the sun.  Using a mask of dark chocolate nourishes the skin and makes it look brighter. So how do you make and use a dark chocolate mask at home?  Here are the ingredients to the steps to make

Water Free Beauty, Korean Beauty Trends

In using beauty products it feels rather difficult to be separated from water.  Starting from just moisturizing it already uses water.  However, a recent beauty trend from Korea uses little or no water.  This trend is called  Water Free Beauty. Water Free Beauty  is a beauty movement that uses little or no water in beauty products.  Even though it’s difficult, some of the world’s leading manufacturers of beauty products are in the process of reducing the impact of water on their products. If beauty product manufacturers are 100 percent not using water in the manufacture of their products, it not only gives a good impact on the environment, but also the skin.  Morgan Rabach, M.D, a dermatologist from New York, looked deeper into the trend of Water Free Beauty and its effects on the skin. The less water used in beauty products, the more active ingredients are concentrated DR. RABACH When water is used as an ingredient in beauty products, preservatives are also usually added

Folds Around The Eyes Sometimes Are Not Eye Bags

Folds around the eyes are misinterpreted eye bags. It can have large eye muscles that look like pouches. This fold can be a sign of atopic dermatitis (DA), a disease that generally occurs when an infant is in the process of entering one’s elderly age. To distinguish the folds of the muscles or eye bags, you can try looking up and down. If the folds move along with your view, it means the eye muscles. The opposite happens if it’s eye bags. DA or skin asthma is chronic and non-communicable. The main symptoms of this disease include itchy skin, dry skin to cracked, red rashes and skin can thicken. The problems that are usually caused are usually aesthetic. Usually there is a certain location of this disease. In children usually on the face, elbows, scalp. In adulthood is generally located in the folds of the elbows, folds of the knees, neck, around the eyes and lips. In the elderly, sometimes additional symptoms appear like dark circles or dark around the eyes, rough spots on t

Your Eyelids Are Oily? 4 Easy Steps to Make Anti-Fade Eye Makeup

You know the struggle is real, whenever you try to put some makeup on the oily eyelids!  What’s more if you wants to make a smoky or sparkly eye with a beautiful glitter that should make your overall appearance very character. The reason, oily eyelids will make the makeup melt.  In fact, so bad, makeup can just drip down to the cheeks.  Makeup that should be popping actually damage the mood as well as your entire makeup. But don’t worry, there are 4 easy steps to prevent damage to eye makeup due to oily petals.  However, you also need to know the key to making eye makeup still beautiful after a few hours. One of them, use a base that can matifying the eyelid.  So that the eyeshadow powder can stick well.  So that eye makeup does not shift, follow the 4 steps below. Clean your face Cleaning your face not only aims to remove dust and dirt, but also removes excess oil.  This excess oil is called sebum.  In addition to clogging the pores of facial skin, sebum can also make smudged

Can It Really Use Body Lotion For Facial Moisturizers?

While washing your body, using body lotion, or body scrub, have you ever thought, can this product be used in advance too?  If you have, you are not alone.  After all body and facial care products are both used on the skin.  However, can you use, for example body lotion as a facial moisturizer? First of all, you need to know first, even though both the skin, the fact is body skin and face are much different.  The simplest example, you very rarely find areas of body skin that are oily, acne, or blackheads like on the face, right? Face skin is thinner than the skin in other areas of the body, with skin in the eye area that is the thinnest.  In addition, sebaceous glands that produce oil are also most commonly found in the facial area, which is the second factor why facial skin and body are different. Not only that, exposure to external factors between the two skin areas is also different.  For example, facial skin is exposed to more sunlight than body skin, while body skin may be

Masks From Bananas And Brahmi Oil

Talking about hair care, mask or hair mask is one of the most important parts in a series of hair treatments.  These masks are usually not just helping detangling or combing using fingers or combs, but are also able to nourish and make hair texture healthy again. Although you can find so many brands and variants of hair masks in various beauty shops, but in fact you can also make it yourself at home, using simple ingredients, bananas and Brahmi oil. Bananas contain silica which is quite high.  Your hair will become very smooth and easy to styling because it contains silica.  Including dealing with frizz. Meanwhile, Brahmi oil is a traditional ayurvedic oil from India which is also often used to treat the hair health of the women there.  This oil contains brahmi, amla, and bhringaraj which are able to strengthen the hair shaft and roots.  So, how to make it? You only need two kinds of ingredients.  One ripe banana, and 1 tablespoon of Brahmi oil.  Blend a banana or you can al

What’s The Difference Between Rosacea and Acne? You’re Red in the Skin

Rosacea and acne are both conditions that attack the pores of the skin. Both can cause lumps with similar shapes so that they are often compared to one another. However, you need to recognize the difference between these two conditions so that the treatment is not wrong. Here are some differences between the two: Shape and appearance The striking difference between rosacea and acne is in the shape and appearance. In general, rosacea looks like a reddish rash on the nose, cheeks, forehead, and chin. In fact, this reddish rash can also be seen on the ears, chest, and back. Pimples are generally shaped lumps with reddish edges. Acne itself can occur anywhere, but mainly in parts of the body that produce a lot of oil, such as the face, forehead, chest, back, and shoulders. Types and symptoms that accompany Another difference between rosacea and acne is, both have different types of each. Rosacea is divided into four subtypes with their respective symptoms : Erythematotelangiec