Can It Really Use Body Lotion For Facial Moisturizers?

While washing your body, using body lotion, or body scrub, have you ever thought, can this product be used in advance too?  If you have, you are not alone.  After all body and facial care products are both used on the skin.  However, can you use, for example body lotion as a facial moisturizer?
First of all, you need to know first, even though both the skin, the fact is body skin and face are much different.  The simplest example, you very rarely find areas of body skin that are oily, acne, or blackheads like on the face, right?
Face skin is thinner than the skin in other areas of the body, with skin in the eye area that is the thinnest.  In addition, sebaceous glands that produce oil are also most commonly found in the facial area, which is the second factor why facial skin and body are different.
Not only that, exposure to external factors between the two skin areas is also different.  For example, facial skin is exposed to more sunlight than body skin, while body skin may be exposed to soap more frequently with harsh formulas such as hand washing soap, dish washing soap, and bath soap.
Because of the differences between body and face skin mentioned above, body and face skin care products also have different formulations to meet their individual needs. Body care product formulas tend to be heavier than facial moisturizers, with high levels of emollient such as butter or oil.  This formula that is too heavy cannot be optimally absorbed by facial skin, thus potentially causing clogged pores, blackheads, and acne.
Most body care products such as body lotion are also formulated with high levels of perfume, where this content has the potential to cause irritation to the face, especially for sensitive skin types.
For the same reason, other body care products such as body oil, body butter, body soap, and body scrubs have different formulas than facial care products.
So, Can You Use Body Lotion for Facial Moisturizers?
Body lotion does not matter if it is used on the face, with a note that the body moisturizer does not have a flower that has the potential to irritate the skin.
Along with increasing consumer awareness of ingredients, there are now more and more gentle body care products free from irritants such as Cetaphil or CeraVe, so they can be used for the face in an emergency.
Although it can be used for the face, still do not recommend it because there is a risk of breakout and irritation, especially for those of you who have sensitive skin types or acne prone.


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