The Importance of Protein for Maintaining the Immune System in Old Age

Protein is very important for the body, namely as the growth and development of every cell in the body. Protein is also important for maintaining the immunity of the elderly.

A 2018 study of more than 2,900 elderly over 23 years, showed that those who ate the most 30 percent protein were less likely to experience dysfunction than those who ate the least amount.

Besides protein, of course there are other nutrients that also help the immune system of the elderly, such as zinc micronutrients, vitamin C, selenium and so on. But only needed in small amounts.

While protein is a macro nutrient. So it is needed in large quantities and the most important role.

Protein has many benefits for the elderly such as preventing aging of body cells, formation of hormones, maintaining muscle mass and bone density. In addition, of course also to increase endurance so it is not easily attacked by diseases, especially infectious and inflammatory diseases.

High protein is also needed to speed up the healing process both from wounds and from sick conditions both infections or after treatment.

The protein levels needed depends on body weight, not on age. In young children and adults, it is usually 1 g / kg body weight. That is, if the body weight is 60 kg, 60 grams of protein per day are needed.

Protein can be obtained from everyday foods such as milk, eggs, meat, fish, tofu and tempeh. But sometimes we have difficulty calculating the protein content.

In milk, usually the protein content is usually only 7 grams or even less. But for certain milk like Entrasol Senior, the protein content reaches 12 gr / serving.

As for the elderly usually will require more ready-to-serve proteins such as whey-like milk protein where amino acids are ready to serve. Because after a person consumes foods containing protein, it will be broken down into amino acids.

The higher the protein content, the higher the amino acid level. Therefore, consumption of high-quality, high-quality milk like Entrasol Senior which is a special nutrient for the elderly. Entrasol Senior is high in protein with good quality and will help the elderly to stay healthy, strong immune system and accelerate the recovery process of healing from illness.

In addition, Entrasol Senior is also low in lactose, so for the elderly who cannot stand milk that usually causes bloating or so will be able to consume the milk comfortably. Entrasol Senior can help meet the macro and micro nutritional needs of a person aged 60 years and over.


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