The Best Type of Mask According to Your Facial Skin Type

Once you master your facial skin care routine, the best way to maintain it to stay looking healthy and bright is to have a face mask at least once or twice a week, depending on your skin needs.
There are many formulas that are formulated differently for every facial mask available on the market today, of course, for its own reasons. Each mask is designed to meet the needs of different types of human skin. So, whether your skin type includes oily, dry, normal, or a combination, there are always facial masks out there that are suitable for you.
Blessed is the owner of this facial skin, because basically you are fit to use any type of face mask on the market, from clay masks, sheet masks, to cream masks. So experiment! A cream mask is probably the most recommended type for normal skin. Cream masks contain emollients that smooth the skin. This type of mask is ideal for those who want to rejuvenate the appearance of facial skin because cream masks store a lot of extra moisture.
Oily / combination and acne
Oily or combination facial skin will get optimal benefits from clay mask or charcoal mask. Clay masks contain natural clay ingredients that can cleanse deeply by pulling out all the dirt and oil that clogs pores when the mask dries and tightens, without actually drying your face. This type of facial skin is also suitable for using sheet masks and natural masks, because the water-based sheet mask is used to moisturize the skin while certain fresh fruits and vegetables contain anti-bacterial agents that are able to reduce excess oil and acne.
Choose facial masks that provide extra moisture, such as peel-off masks, creams, sheet masks, firming masks, or natural, homemade masks from fruits. Peel-off masks tighten the skin and stimulate blood circulation to make it smoother, while exfoliate masks containing glycolic acid will lift dead skin cells and get rid of fine lines and wrinkles. The tips, use an exfoliator mask first, rinse, then apply a moisturizing mask. Or, you can choose a warm oil mask. Warm oil masks are commonly found in spa places, to smooth and rejuvenate the skin by stimulating blood circulation.
Sensitive facial skin is very easy to experience reddish irritation, so use a cream mask that contains natural minerals to calm the irritating effect. Alternatively, you can use a tea-based mask, such as Kombucha or green tea, or a purifying mask that provides a natural cleansing agent to get rid of redness on facial skin. Tea contains antioxidant agents to prevent the formation of wrinkles and smooth your skin.
To deal with dull skin, use an exfoliate mask or a radiance mask. Exfoliator contained in your mask will remove dead skin cells and stimulate the growth of new skin tissue, while the radiance mask contains whitening agents that brighten the skin color of the face.


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